My Story:
Since childhood, I have been a conscious thinker and a self-starter, unknowingly laying the foundation for my journey as both an entrepreneur and a community activist. My passion for entrepreneurialism and networking took hold over thirty years ago.

In 1991, I started my first real business, Joe's Limousine Service, and the following year, I hosted my first business networking event, "Jazz After Hours," at the iconic DeLafayette Restaurant. "Jazz After Hours" eventually reached the rooftop of the infamous Prince Charles Hotel in downtown Fayetteville, featuring the legendary Malachi Sharpe.

By the mid-1990s, I had made my mark in the nightclub and promotions business. My partner, Craig Davis, and I cemented our place in history with The Red Roper, one of the Southeast's most legendary and era-defining nightclubs. You can even catch The Red Roper's shoutout from Luke of the 2 Live Crew in the song "Raise the Roof." During that time, we brought some of today's most famous artists to Fayetteville. I had several opportunities to dive deeper into the business, and I often wonder if that would have been a good move. Things were wild back in those days, without video, lol.

In 2002, I hosted my first Black History Quiz Bowl, an event that provided students from Fayetteville and surrounding cities the opportunity to learn and showcase their knowledge while competing for cash and prizes.

By 2004, I found myself as a single father raising my daughter and felt inspired to launch GOTDAD, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating for fathers and their families. Through GOTDAD, I continued to host the annual Black History Quiz Bowl along with other impactful community events.

In February 2013, the Fayetteville Observer (Saturday Extra) did a cover story on the future and new direction of the black history quiz bowl. (Cover page | Page 1 | Page 2

In February 2016, The Fayetteville Observer (Saturday Extra) did a full-page story on the addition of our new subject categories: Business, Economics, Political, and Civic facts. (Fayetteville Observer article)

The Black History Quiz Bowl became a yearly community event and received recognition from Fayetteville mayors, the NC governor, and consistent community news coverage from the Fayetteville Observer. The greatest joy of the quiz bowl was kids saying, "They still remember black history facts they learned from participating." 

“Ride 2 Freedom” made history:
In February 2011, I organized the "Ride to Freedom" convoy. Following the Black History Quiz Bowl, we recognized African-American veterans with an escorted convoy to the Airborne & Special Operations Museum, courtesy of The Cumberland County Sheriff's Office motorcade. The following February, to commemorate and celebrate the returning soldiers from the "War on Iraq," we made the convoy inclusive.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show took notice of this act of inclusivity. The "Ride 2 Freedom" convoy made national news and history, as Fayetteville became the second city in America to honor the soldiers with a homecoming. (Rachel Maddow clip)

President Obama publicly commended Fayetteville, North Carolina, for the valiant initiative to honor our American soldiers. 

Special appreciation to Sheriff Ennis W. Wright and the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office for their years of escorting "Ride 2 Freedom" convoys.

Follow my Journey:
Take a moment to read articles of my community events spanning over 30 years. And to think, I am just getting started.

Joe McGee

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